Sunday, August 26, 2012

Back in the 'Dam

I was about to write that after about 6 weeks our life has returned to normal and we are back in the 'Dam, but then I realized that P just left for New York this morning, so I guess it's still another week until things return to normal.
That's the same time M goes back to school so I guess I will have successfully gotten us through summer vacation.

After 4 weeks on Cape Cod, we spent last week in Dublin with P's family.  M loves spending time with his grandparents and we all had a good visit.  Since we have returned M has had half-day gymnastics camp every day (and will through next week) and as a special treat we went to the circus yesterday!  It was a small tent circus, just one ring and we were in the front row.  The show was over 2 hours long and included every act you can imagine.  My favorite was the tight-rope walkers and P liked the trampoline guy.  M loved the clowns.

This morning M and I tried out the family tandem.  Last year I considered buying a bakfeits but ultimately decided M was getting a little too big for that.  Instead I bought some time with a 10 Euro second-hand bike trailer.  While the bike trailer isn't exactly the Dutch way, we figured we'd get a family tandem as our Dutch bike.

We were both a little nervous at first to ride such a huge bike, but after a few minutes of riding around Vondelpark we were used to it and loving it!  We road through 2 downpours and didn't mind.  We'd love to find a used one but I'm beginning to think that won't be easy.