Tuesday, August 20, 2013


I've been working on a joke for a while.  It goes something like this, "the English language Catholic church is a 40 minute cycle; I just learned that there's an English language Episcopal service across the canal from us.  Looks like we are now Episcopalian."

Of course, this was exaggerated for comic effect and before we actually attended said Episcopal service. We went today and it was just OK.  It was a prayer service (as opposed to a eucharistic service) which meant it wasn't the Catholic look-alike I was familiar with, but on a cold, rainy January day it just might do the trick.

This afternoon we headed into the city center to go to Marks and Spencer where my plan to reduce the amount of packaging we bring into the house lost out to crumpets and a prepared turkey dinner.  But I've had their turkey dinner before and I know it will be worth it.  Then we walked up to the main library (accidentally escorted by a Hare Krishna procession) and read a few books to M.

Sunday, August 18, 2013


The tent has been set up in the vacant lot in Buitenveldert, so last week M and I headed off to the circus!
The giant candy floss could have been the reason
M was a little antsy by the end of the show.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Farewell, Cape Cod!

A month on the cape has come and gone.  It was the summer of nostalgia, during which I connected with long neglected friends and family members.  I also had to buy those drugstore reading glasses. Maybe both are symptoms of getting older.  I am returning to the 'Dam a little more tan and a little less fit.