Thursday, September 5, 2013

Staycation: Days 3 and 4

On Monday we took a short train ride to a town called Zaandfoort aan Zee on the North Atlantic coast. It was remarkable how this town reminded me of other North Atlantic beaches close to urban areas, like Nantasket and Long Beach.  The beach is lined with restaurants that have lounge chairs for rent right outside their premises.  While we didn't rent chairs--of course M wanted to dig in the sand close to the water--we did have a very nice lunch at one of them.  M had a great time building a castle and frolicking in the tidal pools left at low tide.  It was a very fun day out, but also exhausting.

We got dinner at a local snack bar chain I've always wanted to try, FEBO.  The fries were good, which was great because the quantity of fries at lunch was disappointing.
The big sand castle we made.
M having a blast in the sand.

On Tuesday we went to the Troppenmuseum which was like a trip around the world and just about as exhausting!  The cafe even features cuisine from around the world.  I can't say enough about how interesting and fun this museum is and it will now be my go-to recommendation for guests.  M loved the houses that were open to crawl into and all of the spices on display.
Dancing around the Yemeni home exhibit.
M and P learning about drums of the world.
A bodhran (Irish drum) in the music exhibit.  (This pic is for my mom)

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