Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Sunday, Part II

On Sunday M and Peter had their own little adventure:  they took the train to Ossterbeek.  Here's Peter's account of their day:

M and I went to the Airborne Museum at Oosterbeek near Arnhem to remember the campaign "Operation Market Garden" and to satisfy M's growing curiosity with WWII. We both enjoyed the museum and M especially enjoyed the "Airborne Experience" where you relive the campaign and follow in the footsteps of British paratroopers as they battle their way to Arnhem. It was quite intense, frightening, loud and scary for a six year old. So much so that we had to do it twice! What can I say? The trip was rounded off by a visit to the museum shop to buy some "faux lego" of an army ambulance and jeep.

What Peter doesn't mention is that he completely organized this on his own so that I could see Jane, even packing up the bag for the outing.  They had a great day out together and it set a nice tone for the rest of the week. Peter continued to pack the outing bag every day, do any necessary train research and M was so bonded with him that in some ways I actually got a slight vacation from my usual parenting responsibilities!

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