Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sinterklass Overkill

Sunday night is the last night of Sinterklass.  That is, the last night for most children.  We told M that the last night was Friday night for a couple of reasons.  One is that Peter is going to be out of town on Monday for the feast day.  The other is that we are sick of Sinterklass.  Our original plan to only have Sint come on the actual feast day was disrupted by an early burst of holiday spirit.

Sinterklass is a festival that runs from the feast of St. Martin on November 11th, when Sint arrives from Spain, to the feast of St. Nicholas on December 5th, when he heads back.  Children clean their shoes, set out a bowl of water and some carrots (the carrots are either for Amerigo, Sinterklass's horse or the Zwarte Piets, his assistants (who need to see in the dark).  Kids then sing a song to call Sinterklass (who keeps a record of kid behavior in his book) and he sends his Piets to bring them kadootjes (small gifts).  Depending on a kid's behavior and how busy they are with other kids the Piets don't come every night.  And sometimes they mess up the house.  Naughty children may receive a stick or a little bag of dirt, and particularly naughty children may be transported back to Spain in a sack.  If you run into some "Piets" on the street, they might throw some pepernoten at you.  On the last night it's a somewhat bigger gift.  We learned all of this as we went along.  If we are here next year we'll be Sinterklass experts.

M's final Sinterklass gift:  a Playmobil Sint playset.
You can see his shoes in the background and part of the water bowl
This year we got a little overloaded, even thought most of the gifts were quite small (like small candy bars or small bags of pepernoten, little kibble-like Sinterklass cookies).  If we had to do it over again we probably would have only asked Sint to come every three days or so, and probably would have required M to do the preparation (bowl of water, song, carrot) every night.  We probably would have had the Piets mess up the house more than just once, since that was as big a treat as the small gifts M got.

So, Sinterklass has been exhausting, and now Christmas is starting.  So, we'd better get our holiday energy back up.

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